News From the Secretariat..
The IB/IGB initiative is coordinated by a secretariat chaired by AGI and co-chaired by MoTI. As one of its first actions, the secretariat established this website for multiple stakeholders to add to and post further relevant information on IB/IGB in Ghana. The website was launched during the first Ghana IB/IGB Forum. held on 22 October 2024 in Accra.
IB/IGB Business Models
Inclusive Businesses (IB) and Inclusive Green Businesses (IGB) are commercially viable private sector business lines that create scaled up, innovative and systemic solutions for the relevant income and living standard problems (IB) or environmental problems (IGB) of the poor and low-income people.
Policy Updates
The landscape study recommend a strategic program with 10 components and incentives for creating a better enabling environment for IB and IGB.
This website provides information on the Inclusive Business (IB) and the Inclusive Business (IGB) initiative in Ghana. Being regularly updated, it is meant as a multi-stakeholder website with dynamic content provided from various partners in the initiative.
IB/IGB businesses
Policy updates
Upcoming Events
IB/IGB promotion by partners
The role of AGI
Accrediting IB/IGB companies
In the first IB/IGB accreditation 15 companies were awarded. In 2013 those 15 firms had a consolidated revenue of GhC 988 million and reached 1.87 million poor and low-income people. Imaging, if 15 companies create so much revenue and reach results and show substantial growth in both, how much more can be achieved when the IB/IGB initiative is scaled to include many more firms.
he IB/IGB initative provides for business coaching and mentoring under an impact-drives-return approach (IDR-BCM) . An IDR-BCM committee will oversee the work.
Get In Touch With Us
For further information, please contact the IB/IGB secretariat chaired by AGI, attn: John Defor (director policy and research, AGI) / Theophilus A. Mensah (senior expert in the knowledge team of AGI) through:, +233-243-765862.
Interesting Words from Beneficiaries
Nick Presley
Adelle Tracy
Blair Mitchell
One Year With Us
One Year With Us
Arlette Breedlove
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Adelle Tracy
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One Year With Us
One Year With Us
frank allison
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micheal becker
Adelle Tracy
mabelle joe
One Year With Us
One Year With Us
samantha william
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